It’s no secret that the Postal Service is facing a major problem with undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) mail. This type of mail is a big money-sucker for the USPS, and costs them $1.3 billion each year in processing fees.

One of the best ways to solve this problem is to be proactive. Whether it’s a return letter from a friend or an old rental tenant, you’ll want to take the time to make sure the mail goes where it should.
If you have a lot of mail that’s being delivered to the wrong address, write “Not at This Address: Return to Sender” on each envelope. Then, you can put it back in your mailbox for the carrier to pick up and deliver to your correct address.
Depending on the situation, you may also need to contact the postal worker that’s delivering the mail. This can be a tough process, but it’s important to do everything you can to get the misdirected mail stopped.
Another option is to call the Post Office nearest to where the mail will be delivered and let them know the problem. This can be a great way to ensure your mail doesn’t end up in the hands of a random recipient, and you can even ask them to hold it for you.
If you’ve done all the above and still are getting mail that’s addressed to someone else, it’s time to file a complaint with your local post office. You can do this by phone or in person.